
导读 最近是不是发现家里天花板有水渍?别慌!房屋漏水的原因其实多种多样。最常见的原因是屋顶老化或防水层损坏。尤其是年久失修的老房子,经过...
2025-03-17 04:44:33

最近是不是发现家里天花板有水渍?别慌!房屋漏水的原因其实多种多样。最常见的原因是屋顶老化或防水层损坏。尤其是年久失修的老房子,经过风吹雨打后,防水材料失去效力,雨水就容易渗透进来啦Leaks can happen for many reasons, like old roofs or damaged waterproofing layers. Especially in older houses, after years of weathering, the waterproof materials may no longer be effective, allowing rainwater to seep in.

其次,管道问题也是重要原因之一。如果家中水管破裂或者接口松动,水就会顺着墙壁流下来,导致墙面潮湿甚至发霉Leaks from pipes can also cause problems. If there’s a crack or loose connection in your plumbing system, water can escape and run down the walls, leading to dampness and even mold growth.


