
导读 大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题。斯内普同人歌曲,斯内普同人这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、最后的奉献 last sacri...
2024-03-13 07:40:06


1、最后的奉献 last sacrifice 在尖叫棚屋 here we are in the shrieking shack在我的弥留之际 here we are at the end at last我的双手冰冷 my hands are cold我的泪湿斗篷 my cloak is wet血流延颈而下 from blood that flows down from my neck这就是那爱恨情仇 progeny of所带来的结果么 my love and hate就在这里 atonement 让我赎罪吧 is here为了所有的过错 for all my mistakes在我解脱之前 before I can be free我给了你所有的记忆 I give you every memory都拿去吧 take it all这是我最后的奉献 my last sacrifice再看看我吧 and look at me用那双与你母亲一样的眼睛 with your mother’s eyes因为爱 the haunting pain痛苦久久萦绕 is born 心如刀绞 from love每当我看见你的面容 and every time I see your face又会想起自己的决定 I’m reminded of all the choices I’ve made这就是那爱恨情仇 progeny of所带来的结果么 my love and hate看见了么 see how my Dark Mark黑魔标记在渐渐褪去 begins to fade?在我解脱之前 before I can be free我给了你所有的记忆 I gave you every memory都拿去吧 take it all这是我最后的奉献 my last sacrifice再看看我吧 and look at me用那双与你母亲一样的眼睛 with your mother’s eyes在我解脱之前 before I can be free我给了你所有的记忆 I gave you every memory都拿去吧 take it all这是我最后的奉献 my last sacrifice再看看我吧 and look at me用那双与你母亲一样的眼睛 with your mother’s eyes 看看我吧…… Look at me… 看看我…………… Look at me…… 看看我…………………… Look at me……… 很棒的一首歌。



