
导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家解答以上的问题。上海外国人永久居留政策汇总很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!Shanghai is doing ver
2023-12-31 02:35:01


Shanghai is doing very well in the introduction of talents. Since 2017,Shanghai has been implementing the "Talents Gathering Plan", and each year a number of immigration policies have been introduced in Shanghai for the purpose of pilot trial, focusing on attracting high-end foreign talents that are urgently needed and in short supply in the country.

人才引进方面,上海做的非常好。从2017年开始,上海就开始推行“聚英计划”,每年陆续出台一批出入境政策在上海先行先试,重点吸引国家急需、紧缺的高端外籍人才。It can be said that Shanghai is among the first cities in the country to implement visa,residence and permanent residence policies for foreigners. Some of these policies are now compiled for your reference.


(i) Provisions on the criteria for the identification of overseas talents

(一)关于海外人才认定标准的规定1.Wages and taxes linked to foreign talents identified in a market-based manner are adjusted with reference to the multiplier of the previous year's Shanghai average salary level and taxation standards. This year it is set for foreigners employed in Shanghai whose annual salary reaches RMB 600,000 Yuan or more and whose annual personal income tax payment reaches RMB 120,000 Yuan or more.


2.Foreign talents and special talents from Hong Kong and Macao identified by the competent talent authorities as Foreign talents and special talents from Hong Kong and Macao identified and certified by the relevant competent authorities such as the Ministry of Organization, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the State Administration of Foreign Experts,or foreign talents and special talents from Hang Kong and Macao identified and certified by the Organization Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and the Municipal Bureau of Foreign Experts (without the age limit of 60 years old).


3. Foreign talents employed and sponsored by enterprises on the Science and Innovation Occupation List, and special talents from Hong Kong and Macao employed and sponsored by units on Shanghai Science and Innovation Occupation List determined by the Shanghai Leading Group of Talent Work and the competent science and innovation departments (without the age limit of 60 years old).

3.科创“职业清单”所属企业聘雇并担保的外籍人才、港澳特殊人才由上海市人才工作领导小组、科创主管部门认定的上海科技创新职业清单所属单位聘雇并担保的行业高级专业人才(不受60周岁年龄限制)。(ii) Provisions on the application for permanent residence by overseas talents

(二)关于海外人才申请永久居留的规定1.Foreign talents identified in a market-based manner may apply for permanent residence upon recommendation by their units, provided that their annual salary income and annual payment of personal income tax meet the prescribed standards, and have worked continuously in Shanghai for four years, and resided in China for a total of at least six months per year.


2.Foreign talents recognized by the talent management department can apply for a residence permit for work marked with "talent" on it,which is valid for 5 years, by providing proof of talent recognition.After three years of work, they can apply for permanent residence directly upon recommendation by their units, and the approval period has been shortened from 180 days to 90 days.


3.Senior professionals in the industry employed and sponsored by companies belonging to the Science and Innovation "Occupation List" can apply for the residence permit marked with “Talent” by providing proof of their employment contract and sponsorship.The residence permit is valid for 5 years. After 3 years of work, they can apply directly for permanent residence on the recommendation of the sponsoring company, while the approval period is reduced from 180 days to 90 days.


(iii)Regulations on the application for R-visa(Talent Visa) by foreign talents

(三)关于外籍人才申请办理R字(人才)签证的规定Foreign talents who hold a certificate of recognition by the talent management department or a certificate of sponsorship from an enterprise belonging to the "occupation list" of science and innovation, and who come in China by holding other visas, can apply for an R-visa at the Shanghai visa authority of the port; those who are in China on other visas and have the above-mentioned talent certificate or certificate of sponsorship can apply for a change to an R-visa in the Exit-Entry Administration Department in Shanghai Public Security Bureau.

持有人才主管部门认定证明或科创“职业清单”所属企业担保证明的外籍人才,未持签证来华的,可以向上海口岸签证机关申请R字(人才)签证入境;持其他签证来华的,并具有上述人才证明或担保证明的,可以在上海公安出入境管理部门申请变更为R字(人才)签证。(iv) Regulations on foreign students applying for residence permits for innovation and entrepreneurship in Shanghai

(四)关于外国留学生在上海创新创业申请办理居留许可的规定According to the original regulations, foreign students must have at least 2 years of working experience before they can come to work in China. The new policy of the Ministry of Public Security Bureau allows foreign students who are willing to innovate and start their own businesses to work in Shanghai directly after graduation and apply for the corresponding residence permit. The new regulations further clarify that foreign students can apply for a residence permit under the category of private affairs with the endorsement of "entrepreneurship" , which is valid for 2 years,to atart their graduation internship and innovative entrepreneurial activities, upon presentation of their graduation certificates from domestic institutions of higher education and their innovation and entrepreneurship plans or proof of starting a business.During this period, if they are employed by a relevant organization,you can apply for a work permit in accordance with the regulations.

按照原规定,外国留学生须具有2年以上工作经历,才可以来华工作,公安部新政允许有在上海创新创业意愿的外国留学生毕业后直接在上海工作,并办理相应的居留许可。中创侨智提醒您,新的实施细则进一步明确:外国留学生凭国内高等院校毕业证书和创新创业计划书或创办企业证明,就可以申请加注“创业”的私人事务类居留许可,有效期2年,进行毕业实习及创新创业活动。期间,被有关单位聘雇的,可以按规定办理工作类居留许可。(v)Regulations on simplifying the entry and residence procedures for foreigners coming to Shanghai for employment

(五)关于简化来上海就业的外国人办理入境和居留手续的规定According to the original regulations,foreigners coming to work in China must first obtain an employment or expert permit, then leave the country and enter with a work visa issued by a Chinese embassy or consulate abroad before they can apply for a work residence permit. The new policy of the Ministry of Public Security Bureau simplifies the application procedure and for the first time adds the authority to issue work visas at the Shanghai visa authority of the port. SFBC reminds you that the new implementation rules make it clear that foreigners outside China with a work permit can apply to the Shanghai port visa authority for a work visa to enter the country. Foreigners in Shanghai with a work permit can first apply to the entry and exit authorities of the public security authorities for a residence permit to work for up to one year, and then apply for the corresponding employment procedures such as foreigner employment permit or foreign professional permit.

按照原规定,外国人来华工作,必须先办妥就业或专家许可证明,然后出境,再持中国驻境外使领馆签发的工作签证入境,才可以申请工作类居留许可。公安部新政简化了申办程序,首次在上海口岸签证机关增加签发工作签证的权限。SFBC提醒您,新的实施细则明确:在境外的外国人,持有工作许可证明,可以向上海口岸签证机关申请工作签证入境。在上海的外国人,持有工作许可证明,可以先向公安机关出入境管理部门申请1年以内的工作类居留许可,然后再补办相应的外国人就业证、外专证等就业手续。(vi) Regulations on the application for visas and residence permits for foreigners who come to Shanghai for investment or innovation and entrepreneurship

(六)关于来上海投资或者创新创业的外国人申请办理签证和居留许可的规定For foreigners who plan to come to Shanghai for investment or innovation,but are unable to apply for a work permit,they can apply for a private affairs visa from the Shanghai visa authority of the port with proof of investment or business plan, proof of source of living,etc. After entering Shanghai, they can apply to the Exit-Entry Administration Department of Shanghai Public Security Bureau for a residence permit for private affairs with the endorsement of "business start-up" by providing the corresponding supporting documents. After entering the country, they can apply to the Exit-Entry Administration Department of Shanghai Public Security Bureau for a residence permit under the category of "business start-up".

对计划来上海投资或者创新创业的外国人,来不及办理工作许可证明的,可凭投资证明或者创业计划、生活来源证明等,向上海口岸签证机关申请私人事务签证,入境后提供相应的证明材料可以向上海公安出入境管理部门申请加注“创业”的私人事务类居留许可。(vii)Regulations on expanding the scope of applications for long-term residence permits

(七)关于扩大长期居留许可申请范围的规定Under the original regulations,only high-level foreign talents and investors could apply

